Heritage Services

Heritage Services

Renovating a heritage house takes a very special level of care and attention.

You never quite know what lies beneath the walls, from previous renovations, antique woodwork or one of a kind architectural features, these can all pose quite a challenge.

It is always a balancing act on a tightrope keeping the character and history of a house while also focusing on modern functionality or design. A contractor for a renovation on a heritage home must have a very extensive grasp of both technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills that come with the territory.

We at Rusch Projects have a great deal of experience in dealing with the unique needs of a heritage home and have a trusted team of professionals who can revitalize your home while keeping its charm and elegance.

Rusch Design Build was the winner of the 2018 The Lions Calgary Heritage Authority Award. We have had many opportunities to work on homes with the Calgary Heritage Authority and take pride in preserving Calgary’s Historical homes. These projects require meticulous workmanship, and attention to detail and we are one of the companies that has lived up to their standard. Not all Calgary renovation companies will take the time to work with the red tape that comes with working on heritage homes but at Rusch we see it as a good challenge and pride ourselves on being able to work on heritage homes. 



Ways to Reach Us

3612 Burnsland Road SE
Calgary, AB T2G 3Z2
Driving Directions

Phone: 403.457.2950

Postal Code: